In English

Kompassi (Compass) is an independent think-tank and registered organisation based in Finland. Our purpose is to improve the Finnish and European society and decision-making through research, publications and public discourse from a Christian Democratic point of view. We uphold human dignity and holistic welfare of all humans. Kompassi has been founded in 2016 and is partially funded by the Finnish Ministry for Education.

Kompassi carries out research, publication activities and organizes public events on a very wide range of topics from social theology to energy policy. We have published several publications in Finnish and a few in English.

Kompassi is a member of Sallux – ECPM Foundation and associate partner of Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies (WMCES).

Contact us:

Email. kompassi(ät)

Tommi Terä
+358 50 3691930

Chair of board
Annika Lyytikäinen

YouTube: Kompassi in YouTube
